Thursday, April 30, 2009

Novella and Pinball, naturally

Matthew Simmons' novella, A Jello Horse, is about to be released by Publishing Genius Press, and while this news is exciting on its own merits, there is a contest to win a hardback copy of the book. Simmons' call is simple: "SEND ME IMAGES OF YOURSELF PLAYING PINBALL. Or someone playing pinball. A pinball image of some sort. Just one of your own."

Finally, a pinball contest I have a shot at winning!

I own a Williams Earthshaker!, and I will submit a pic of that, but in the meantime this is a pic of a weirdie from the White Rose show a couple of years ago.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

no whining

so the detour with my West Virginia novel did not pan out--the interested party is no longer interested. I'm disappointed and not feeling motivated to continue with the proposed revision right now, even though I think the plan is a good one.

I really want to find the end of the Louisiana book, which has a stronger concept and voice. It's certainly funnier.

But it has only been 12 hours since the rejection. This time tomorrow, I could take up karaoke. the karaoke people are happy people.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Free online writing course

Dialogue Tutorial #2



"I need a new monkey."

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Too Fun: Hint Fiction Contest

Robert Swartwood makes Garson look extravagant. Write a story of 25 words or less and post it here

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Free online writing course

Dialogue Tutorial # 1

"Why don't you shut the fuck up already?"
"Why don't you shut the fuck up already?"

Friday, April 17, 2009

a week of not existing

I've been down with a head cold since the conference last week, unable to think, read, write, etc. Plus I broke my glasses. It's feast or famine (yo Dave Bragg, where ever you are!).

Got a flash accepted for the June issue of decomP, which is totally unexpected. I send to decomP for the swift and human rejection--my way of checking in with the universe. Now what?

Read Art Taylor in Fiction Weekly. Read Erin Fitzgerald in Wigleaf and elimae. Read the whole damned issue of FRiGG, but then you're already doing so, right?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Conversations and Connections Part 3

I paneled at the flash session, and I think that went well. Room was packed and we kept people laughing. Erin Fitzgerald and I then went to the Digital Literary Landscape session, which was genuinely introductory, pitched for the trad lit crowd and not for us filthy flash hippies.Highlight: snide comments about Dana Gioia. Also went to the agent session, which was very well run and loaded with good information for beginners. Highlight: Folio lit agent comparing the current publishing moment, as dire as it seems, to the advent of Gutenberg--change is cool. One thing we noticed was that the agents seemed really weird: as if they'd been trans-beamed to the session without notice.

Conversations and Connections Part 2

Can you name these indie lit giants?

Conversations & Connections Part 1

The Board at the Flash panel
(marker work by Joseph Young).
Room was PACKED, people sitting on floor.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Sold out! Conversations and Connections

So while I am doing my darndest to try to sell out by turning my west virginia novel into a potboiler, I find myself one day away from paneling at a writer's conference that has sold out. Conversations and Connections sold out last year as well. It's a one day, to the freaking point, affordable event. Wow, what a concept. I'll take pics if I can.

I'm the least flashy writer on a flash panel moderated by Molly Gaudry, so I'm pretty sure my job is to reiterate my "theme" of the last 8+ months: flash is the flagship form of indie/online publishing, and as a result short fiction is evolving again.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Archer

The postcards featuring the cover art for Gravity Dancers: Even More Fiction by Washington Women just showed up in the mail today. The image is "The Archer," by Sheep Jones. Gorgeous.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Wine and Cereal: Rad Poetry

Here's "A Giant Realm," poem, written and read by Jack Christian, FOR ME, because I donated to the NOO Journal RAD Poetry drive. You should too. I don't think Jack and I have met, but this poem is about lots of things I'm into, including dogs and wire. Way cooler than a PBS tote bag, and far less useful.

I also learned that the galleys for Gravity Dancers: Even More Fiction by Washington Area Women are forthcoming as are postcards with the cover art by the amazing Sheep Jones. Can't wait to see!

There will be a promotional event at Politics and Prose when the volume comes out, probably June or July.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

grown up week

We filed for the deed, so the land is pretty much ours.

I re-wrote the first 50+ pages of the West Virginia novel to seriously up the suspense.

Am working on the summary, and I feel I have another really hard day to go on that. I can't remember being this stupid.

Have totally neglected my students, family, friends, etc. I don't remember what I do for a living.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Land Acquisition is Dramatic

The deadline for redemption has passed. Or is this better? The period of redemption has expired.

Now we must prepare the deed.