Monday, May 11, 2009

NEVER pass up an opportunity to be clever

Robert Swartwood's 'hint fiction' lark has turned into something very real--he now has a deal to produce a Norton anthology of H-fics which will include the top twenty from his blog contest where he asked for submissions of fiction less than or equal to 25 words. The prizes, when the contest was posted ranged from amazon gift certificates to indie books. Now the prize for participation may well be eternal freaking fame.

Here's the fun part for me: I told my students in my junior level fiction writing class they'd get extra credit for entering the contest. I think 4 did.


Molly Gaudry said...


Robert said...

"Here's the fun part for me: I told my students in my junior level fiction writing class they'd get extra credit for entering the contest. I think 4 did."

That really is hilarious. The names have been stripped from the stories, of course, so I don't know who's who, but who knows, maybe one or more of your students are included ...

Word verification this time around: dotesin